PAPERWORK – Check on your Account page and see if you have all your paperwork marked as being in. If NOT, then read the next paragraph.
In one week ALL your paperwork is due in the office. If you do not have your physical scheduled, then do that TODAY! If you have not looked into securing insurance, then do that TODAY! You cannot put this off any longer. To process all the papers and get you ready to go out is a BIG job and we NEED your paperwork!!!! You will NOT be able to go on this trip unless it is all turned in
I forget where exactly I download this paperwork from. I though that it had come in an email but cannot find that email. Also my account shows that there is not a copy of my passport and I know that you have that, I have an email from AIM saying that they have that.
Zech, it should be in your AIM account on your home page…there’s a link on the left that says something about documents and takes you to a page with the sets of paperwork broken down, and you can download them from there…thats how it worked for me, anyway! If that doesn’t help…call them? That might be easier.
And geez….this makes it all so real! I never thought May would even come!
And…I’m sending my stuff tomorrow!
If we haven’t gotten a shot yet, but have an appointment, can we go ahead and write that date down on the sheet and turn it in before we even get the shot? I’ve been playing phone tag with the Travel Health Dept (crazy people over here only have a machine to leave a message, and they have to call you back) and I’m trying to set up a time to get my typhoid shot. I’m hoping I’ll have an appointment next week but don’t want to risk not getting the paperwork in on time. Sorry, I’m a procrastinator!
whats the deal with the notary signature…do we need that? where do i get that done..? :0(