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Thoughts & Inspiration
How I was Called to the Missions Field
We were asked to write a blog about how we were called to this mission trip. Here is my story…
I think God has given me a heart for Africa ever since I was a little girl. The first American girl doll that I was dying to get was Addy, who for all you guys out there, was the one from Africa. There just always something about Africa that just tore at my heart, the people, the land, the animals, etc. But I never really thought much more of it except that I thought Africa was cool. Growing up all I ever wanted to be was a mommy. In middle school and high school I never really enjoyed any of my subjects so I still thought I was destined to be a mom and that’s all. Then I realized my strongpoint and the thing that I really lived for…people. I don’t really care about getting an A in english, and scoring well on a math test, but people, I could study them for hours, all day long. My favorite hobby is definitely people watching. God soon showed me with this realization how much I want to help people and since them I have looked in to all different sorts of ways of doing this.
My sophmore year in high school I was able to go on a 2 week missions trip to Cameroon with my church. This was when God brought in the whole people helping thing and Africa together. It was such an amazing experience to see people of another culture loving God in completely different ways. I truely felt called to help the people of Africa in any way I could. Since then I’ve always known God would bring me back there. This summer I really felt that God wanted me to do something else with my next summer, especially go to Africa. So I started researching. Finally one night I was watching tv at 2 in the morning and saw a commercial for starving children in Africa. I started researching for that program and instead I came across Adventures in Missions! Now, to me, how could that name NOT be something awesome??? God brought me straight to the Swaziland link and I knew He wanted me there. I started applying online and the next day I got a call from someone asking me if I had any questions…man, God can be PRETTY clear sometimes huh? Ever since then God has been completely in this trip. He’s been teaching me a whole lot and showing me how to give certain things up, and take up other things. God has given me a calling to serve other people, whether it be in Africa, or in the U.S. I’m just so excited to have this opportunity to do His work in Swaziland this summer! I can’t wait meet all of my brothers and sisters on this team and also in Swaziland!!! What a blessing to be called to go on such a great God adventures and give a summer to Him and His people, I’m so excited!!
Much of God’s love to all who read this!
oh gosh that was awesome to read! its crazy how He seems to put the calling in us before we can even realize it there…its so amazing how He’s worked out EVERY SINGLE detail, i think i can connect with you on that one 🙂 its awesome to read more about you!